Monday, June 22, 2015

Do you have a Digital life?

         Every person on the planet earth leaves a footprint. Digitally speaking, you can follow your own footprints in the sands of cyberspace, thanks to Google, and probably a hundred other search engines. Someone told me once that what another person thinks about me is none of my business, but Google is kind enough to save, file and make available everything that has ever been posted or published about me anywhere in print or online. Do you really want to know? I hadn’t really given it much thought, since my life is pretty much an open book, but this week my Master’s class had an assignment to do a “Vanity search” and post a blog about what you discovered in the results. I learned a lot about me.
         My name officially is, Joseph L. Percevecz on all of my identification cards, bank records and such, but birth certificate, passport and really official documents list my full middle name. When I searched my full, given name in parenthesis I came up with only 9 results. Joseph L came up with only 5 results. Most people know me as Joe Percevecz, so I gave that a try and came up with 105 results. My wife likes to call me by my given name and Joseph Percevecz is usually the way I list myself on any form that asks me to put down my name, so I was not surprised to come up with 634 results for Joseph Percevecz. My Facebook page uses this name, any social media has this name listed and I own several domains that popped up in my Vanity Search.
         Family friends that have known me since my mother was alive sometimes call me Joey. So I did a search for “Joey Percevecz” and actually came up with 320 listings. This kind of surprised me, until I started reading the list. I have a couple of email addresses that use onejoeyp or 1joeyp and my E-portfolio is on my web site at My blog is on Google at so I have a lot more exposure to Joey than I realized.
         Do you realize how much exposure YOU have on the World Wide Web?

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