Thursday, July 9, 2015

Joe 2.0 Ripples in Cyberspace

         I love the picture of a drop of water hitting the smooth surface of the pond and the ripples begin. There is no stopping the ripples. Each time we post something in cyberspace we are creating our own ripples in cyberspace. We can’t stop them, but we can have some control over what ripples we create.        
         Five weeks ago I was tasked with doing a Vanity Search of my name and blogging about what I discovered. The past five weeks I have been busy making ripples centered on the study of Web 2.0 technology tools and my ETEC 527 Web 2.0 class. This week I have been tasked with looking at the new ripples and reporting how they have changed.
         What I have noticed in my new Vanity Search was many new ripples that have to do with teaching, technology, and technology tools. A much more interesting set of ripples to be sure. Now I am overloaded with things to read, watch and study to help me become the very best teacher I can be in this new world of teaching with technology.
See ya in class,


Sunday, July 5, 2015

Joe 2.0 and an Adventure in Aggregating Pages

         I must admit, I had never heard of an “aggregating page” before I read this week's assignment. YouTube and Twitter are both familiar to me, I just never thought of them as Web 2.0 teaching tools. Now I know differently about both of them, but my adventure into aggregating pages was an adventure to a place this man had never gone before. I did manage to figure out how to sign up and create a public page using protopage and netvibes. Start your own aggregating adventure by clicking on either link!
         I now use a protopage as my start page when I open Google Chrome to browse the Internet. I used to have Chrome open two or three of my web pages at start up, but that proved to be a very slow boot process because it was opening three tabs every time. Now with my protopage I get so much more information on my home page, links to my pages, my favorite bloggers, news feeds, weather and just about anything I can think of, or would want to learn about can be right at my fingertips when I open my browser!
         I personally found protopage a bit more user friendly than netvibes, but that may just be me. I can see how either application would be a great organizational tool for students, teachers, and other superheroes and it might even be a fun tool for average every day mortals! Check out both my pages here:
See ya in class,
